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This book is a great reference for students who want to continue studying the content in Mathematics 8. It includes a comprehensive review of key topics from Mathematical Expression and Equations, Linear Equations and Inequalities, Functions and Their Graphs, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry, Probability Models and Applications.The table of contents can be found here: The book has been updated to reflect the Ontario Curriculum Changes that took place in September 2010: http://www.eduontario. com/curriculum/history/august_2010_c.shtml MentorTexts Professional Development ResourcesThe book is designed to have a wide appeal to a diverse range of students in the class. In addition to students taking the class for credit, it provides comprehensive review material for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of Mathematics or who hope to go into teaching Mathematics. The book is also recommended for individuals working in careers that depend on Mathematics such as engineers, accountants and computer programmers. STP Mathematics requires students to have access to a graphing calculator. The calculator that is most commonly used in the STP program is the TI-84 Plus. In addition, the teacher is encouraged to have a computer with a copy of ALEKS LTI installed for use in class. The curriculum is guided by the following goals: Standardized tests are individual or group tests with strictly standardized formats and procedures administered under controlled conditions by qualified personnel. These tests are designed primarily for diagnostic purposes, but they may also be used as measures of progress during instruction. In the case of group testing, the scores may be averaged and norm-referenced to give a single score for each student. The results of standardized tests are not merely numbers, but they have meaning in terms of educational objectives when interpreted in conjunction with other data from evaluation procedures. The following external assessments are required:Every student must take and pass the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) prior to graduating from Grade 12. The target date for completion of these tests is September 30, 2012. Every student in Grade 8 must take the Grade 8 Literacy Test (G8LT), which is divided into two sections. The Reading Skills test consists of three reading passages and multiple choice questions to determine the number of words read correctly per minute, the Reading Comprehension test contains five reading passages with multiple choice questions to determine comprehension skills. The following are some sample questions from past tests: Every student in Grade 9 must take both sections of the Grade 9 Literacy Test (G9LT), which is divided into two sections. cfa1e77820